The Journey of a young Pakistani Kathak Dancer ~ Hammad Rasheed ~
( Vol- 05, Year - 2017 , SPECIAL ISSUE )
Dance is the rhythm of life for this Young Pakistani Kathak Dancer
~ Hammad Rasheed ~
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Launched in June 2013, Swapnil Saundarya ezine has been the first exclusive lifestyle ezine from India available in Hindi language ( Except Guest Articles ) updated bi- monthly . We at Swapnil Saundarya ezine , endeavor to keep our readership in touch with all the areas of fashion , Beauty, Health and Fitness mantras, home decor, history recalls, Literature, Lifestyle, Society, Religion and many more. Swapnil Saundarya ezine encourages its readership to make their life just like their Dream World .
कला , साहित्य, फ़ैशन व सौंदर्य को समर्पित भारत की पहली हिन्दी लाइफस्टाइल ई- पत्रिका के पँचम चरण अर्थात पँचम वर्ष में आप सभी का स्वागत है .
फ़ैशन व लाइफस्टाइल से जुड़ी हर वो बात जो है हम सभी के लिये खास, पहुँचेगी आप तक , हर पल , हर वक़्त, जब तक स्वप्निल सौंदर्य के साथ हैं आप. गत वर्षों की सफलता और आप सभी पाठकों के अपार प्रेम व प्रोत्साहन के बाद अब स्वप्निल सौंदर्य ई-ज़ीन ( Swapnil Saundarya ezine ) के पँचम वर्ष को एक नई उमंग, जोश व लालित्य के साथ प्रस्तुत किया जा रहा है ताकि आप अपनी ज़िंदगी को अपने सपनों की दुनिया बनाते रहें. सुंदर सपने देखते रहें और अपने हर सपने को साकार करते रहें .तो जुड़े रहिये 'स्वप्निल सौंदर्य' ब्लॉग व ई-ज़ीन के साथ .
और ..............
बनायें अपनी ज़िंदगी को अपने सपनों की दुनिया .
( Make your Life just like your Dream World )
Founder - Editor ( संस्थापक - संपादक ) :
Rishabh Shukla ( ऋषभ शुक्ला )
Managing Editor (कार्यकारी संपादक) :
Suman Tripathi (सुमन त्रिपाठी)
Chief Writer (मुख्य लेखिका ) :
Swapnil Shukla (स्वप्निल शुक्ला )
Art Director ( कला निदेशक) :
Amit Chauhan (अमित चौहान)
Marketing Head ( मार्केटिंग प्रमुख ) :
Vipul Bajpai (विपुल बाजपई)
'स्वप्निल सौंदर्य - ई ज़ीन ' ( Swapnil Saundarya ezine ) में पूर्णतया मौलिक, अप्रकाशित लेखों को ही कॉपीराइट बेस पर स्वीकार किया जाता है . किसी भी बेनाम लेख/ योगदान पर हमारी कोई ज़िम्मेदारी नहीं होगी . जब तक कि खासतौर से कोई निर्देश न दिया गया हो , सभी फोटोग्राफ्स व चित्र केवल रेखांकित उद्देश्य से ही इस्तेमाल किए जाते हैं . लेख में दिए गए विचार लेखक के अपने हैं , उस पर संपादक की सहमति हो , यह आवश्यक नहीं है. हालांकि संपादक प्रकाशित विवरण को पूरी तरह से जाँच- परख कर ही प्रकाशित करते हैं, फिर भी उसकी शत- प्रतिशत की ज़िम्मेदारी उनकी नहीं है . प्रोड्क्टस , प्रोडक्ट्स से संबंधित जानकारियाँ, फोटोग्राफ्स, चित्र , इलस्ट्रेशन आदि के लिए ' स्वप्निल सौंदर्य - ई ज़ीन ' को ज़िम्मेदार नहीं ठहराया जा सकता .
कॉपीराइट : 'स्वप्निल सौंदर्य - ई ज़ीन ' ( Swapnil Saundarya ezine ) के कॉपीराइट सुरक्षित हैं और इसके सभी अधिकार आरक्षित हैं . इसमें प्रकाशित किसी भी विवरण को कॉपीराइट धारक से लिखित अनुमति प्राप्त किए बिना आंशिक या संपूर्ण रुप से पुन: प्रकाशित करना , सुधारकर संग्रहित करना या किसी भी रुप या अर्थ में अनुवादित करके इलेक्ट्रॉनिक या यांत्रिक , प्रतिलिपि, रिकॉर्डिंग करना या दुनिया के किसी भी हिस्से में प्रकाशित करना निषेध है . 'स्वप्निल सौंदर्य - ई ज़ीन ' के सर्वाधिकार ' ऋषभ शुक्ल' ( Rishabh Shukla ) के पास सुरक्षित हैं . इसका किसी भी प्रकार से पुन: प्रकाशन निषेध है.
चेतावनी : 'स्वप्निल सौंदर्य - ई ज़ीन ' ( Swapnil Saundarya ezine ) में घरेलु नुस्खे, सौंदर्य निखार के लिए टिप्स एवं विभिन्न चिकित्सा पद्धतियों के संबंध में तथ्यपूर्ण जानकारी देने की हमने पूरी सावधानी बरती है . फिर भी पाठकों को चेतावनी दी जाती है कि अपने वैद्य या चिकित्सक आदि की सलाह से औषधि लें , क्योंकि बच्चों , बड़ों और कमज़ोर व्यक्तियों की शारीरिक शक्ति अलग अलग होती है , जिससे दवा की मात्रा क्षमता के अनुसार निर्धारित करना जरुरी है.
Editorial :
Some Thoughts As We Enter the New Volume of Swapnil Saundarya ezine .......
Namaste All !
We are extremely proud to present Swapnil Saundarya Vlog { A vlog (or video blog)} is a blog that contains video content. )on the completion of successful and glorious four years of Swapnil Saundarya ezine & We literally step over into the fifth year of our ezine. Once again, the start of a brand new volume has come upon us. As we enter into new possibilities, may we all be reminded that we have the ability to be, do, and have anything that we want; that there are no mistakes, only lessons; and that the love and happiness we seek is already within our grasp.
During previous volumes, we all grew some, laughed some (a LOT, I hope!), shed some tears, and came to some new realizations with Swapnil Saundarya . We reached some of our goals, gained some victories, and also came to more clearly define the things we want to have in the future. All in all, we have truly been blessed!
As we begin volume 5th of Swapnil Saundarya ezine, my prayer is that we continue to grow and find the space within ourselves to know, beyond all doubt, that there is nothing more that we need to do in order to be complete. All we need is a willingness to allow ourselves to feel good and to be at peace in the present moment. All we need is gratitude for all that we have, and all that we have had the pleasure to be and to experience. That is the starting point from which all other things will flow into our existence.
Be a part of Swapnil Saundarya ezine and Make your Life just like your Dream World !
With love,
Launched in June 2013, Swapnil Saundarya ezine has been the first exclusive lifestyle ezine from India available in Hindi language ( Except Guest Articles ) updated bi- monthly .We at Swapnil Saundarya ezine , endeavor to keep our readership in touch with all the areas of fashion , Beauty, Health and Fitness mantras, home decor, history recalls, Literature, Lifestyle, Society, Religion and many more.Swapnil Saundarya ezine encourages its readership to make their life just like their Dream World .
Guns are to men what jewelry is to women !
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Dance is the rhythm of life for this Young Pakistani Kathak dancer
~ Hammad Rasheed ~
Kathak derived from sanskrit word kathak which means story & kathak means the art of storytelling. Kathak was used to be performed in temples to explain stories of Hindi Mythology but when it reached in Mughal courts it transformed. Many other performers from Iran, Spain, Turkey used to present their art in Mughal courts .So we find high Muslim influence. This is a graceful dance accompanied by live or recorded music. The interesting part of the dancer is to wear ankle bells in which footwork is an instrument followed by tabla or could be a jugal bandi with sitar, sarod or flute.
Classical Dance perceived as an interconnection between culture and religion for some, while others might want to separate it from religion altogether. This interconnection is more possible in Kathak than any other dance form due to its historical significance. Thousands of years back, people shared their stories of ethics through the oral tradition. Kathak was used as a form of entertainment in the northern regions. It went beyond storytelling. It did not have to be about the story of Ram and Sita, it could be about love or any other element. So you can still have those connections.
Kathak derives most of its traditions from epic stories, but people perform a contemporary form of the dance now-a-days. Moreover, social and political elements such as domestic violence or women’s issues are also incorporated in the storytelling. It is not as simple as just telling the story of one person.
At a time when religious extremists in India and Pakistan are trying to outdo each other in their divisive rhetoric, Pakistani Kathak dancer Hammad Rasheed is an anomaly. He has embraced the classical dance form with devotion and vouches for its power to break barriers and build bridges.
Hammad Rasheed is a young talented Kathak dancer who is working for the survival of this dying art and has been popularising Kathak by teaching and performing in some of the prestigious Dance Festivals in Pakistan. He talks about the challenges of being a teacher and dancer, even while sticking to the traditional stylistics of Kathak.
Hammad Rasheed has done masters in English literature from the University of Punjab and holds a bachelor's degree in education (B.Ed ) from Allama Iqbal Open University. He has completed his certified accounting technician (CAT) examinations and jumped into ACCA (Association of chartered certified accountants) which he left in the middle to persue his masters in English literature. Hammad Rasheed hails from Lahore , Pakistan. It has been 3 years that he is working as a Kathak teacher in various branches of Lahore Grammar school. Before that Hammad has been teaching English in various schools.
Hammad Rasheed has started learning Kathak in 2012 under the tutelage of Naila Riaz ji who is trained in Lucknow gharana from Ghulam Hussain Kathak late and in Jaipur gharana from miss Anjani Ambegaokar ji .
On asking about his dance journey , Hammad Rasheed explained, "There is unfortunately no degree in dance yet offered by any institution in Pakistan. So I have learnt Kathak under guru -shishya parampara. It was just by chance that I had the liberty to go out of my home alone and I went directly to Lahore arts council to get some vocal training but soon when I heard the sound of the ghunghroo from the basement class of arts council I couldn't control myself and went directly to the dance class. It's impact was so strong that I just swayed with my guru g and her pupils rehearsing. I took admission in dance class and started learning it. At that point I couldn't tell my family. I had to hide from them because they are very religious and it's considered a taboo/ a sin to dance and to dance with ankle bells is way out of question. My guru saw potential in me and starting focus on me more. In just three months she allowed me to perform on stage. With that my career actually escalated. One after the other, here and there is was asked to come and perform. In 2012 a very famous theater production company took me up as a dancer and choreographer and took me to a trip to Punjab, India. Since the date of my debut performance I have bagged almost a 100 performance. 2015 I was awarded the best dancer and the beat choreographer in Pakistan. I have worked and choreographed for the national television of Pakistan PTV. I have been part of various film and literature festivals notably bol film festival (minority) and Benazir literary festival organised by one of the influential political parties of Pakistan."
" Dance is considered almost a taboo in our country ( Pakistan ) especially the classical arts are looked down upon. People don't realize that subcontinent has a thousands of years old cultural history. You cannot call anything related to culture Pakistani or Indian" he added.
Hammad Rasheed has also been a part of the prestigious international Sufi mystical festival 2017.
Slow at first, the tempo rapidly rises as the Kathak dancer Hammad Rasheed matches every beat and every pause of the tabla’s rhythm. The conversation between the ghungroo and the ensemble of the tabla, harmonium and sitar explores a gamut of emotions which has the audience erupt into a chorus of “wah.”
According to Hammad Rasheed , "Dance is for the soul, for the Divine. If you start learning music and dance just for the sake of money and earning then you have a good news, the commercial world out there will buy anything but that won't have any soul. The essence would not be there."
"Classical Dance is a way of grooming a person. It's the way of the soul to connect with the universe, to understand it's frequencies and make a peace with them, it's meditation, a way, spiritual, to connect your soul with the Divine. It teaches you to surrender and when you surrender everything will fall back into it's original place. You won't have to worry about survival, things will come to you" he added.
Hammad Rasheed's dance steps, gestures, postures and expressions are outstanding . He is the dance personality of the moment. His choreography is intelligent, compelling and beautiful to watch. He is one of the young artists bringing new vitality to cross-cultural expressions in the field of Classical Dance today.
As his ongoing Kathak shows, he has every intention of staying with his roots - and every intention of making them known to his audience. So masculine and yet so sensual. So down-to-earth and yet full of mystery. With his superb technical prowess and deep knowledge of this old dance tradition 'Kathak', he is the dance personality of the moment.
Swapnil Saundarya ezine wishes Hammad Rasheed every success in life .
- Rishabh Shukla
Fight against Breast Cancer
We have two options, medically and emotionally: give up or fight like hell
#ChemoDolls :: Bald is beautiful
‘Swapnil Saundarya Label’ is proud to present its exclusive range of chemo dolls which can help in conveying the psychosocial effects of treatment to cancer patients .
Our Label has created Swapnil Saundarya Chemo Dolls with an extremely rare condition where they do not have hair , they went through all their cancer treatments with their chemo, radiation and surgery . These Chemo Doll with the ‘ Fighting Spirit ‘ help to affirm and support the struggles of cancer patients. These dolls are designed to encourage Cancer patients who have to go through chemo therapy and will likely lose their hair. Swapnil Saundarya Chemo Dolls are dolls for children as well as for adults in treatments for cancer.
Doll Designer Swapnil has been very busy making chemo dolls which are simply beautiful and bald ! each with their own removable colorful hat adjoining with the doll’s hand representing the power to fight against the terrible disease Cancer . These dolls are dedicated to all of them battling this awful disease.
Help Swapnil Saundarya Label meet their goal of placing Swapnil Saundarya Chemo Dolls in the arms of all cancer patients who need a hug and to put big smiles on their faces .You can nominate any child with cancer who needs a new best friend Doll and the company will ship his or her new doll with our love and care from Swapnil Saundarya Label.
Doll Designer Swapnil believes that her dolls have the magic to make their own best friends feel super brave and courageous.”Our mission is to provide emotional support to children and adults in treatment for cancer and other serious illnesses through our chemo dolls and Artistic Cards ” she said.
Swapnil Saundarya Chemo Dolls are available at Swapnil Saundarya estore and Rishabh Interiors and Arts :: The e Studio.
YES ! I AM BOLD is a collection of paintings by Interior Designer, Painter and Arts Journalist Rishabh that speak out against Domestic violence and Child Abuse.

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At Swapnil Jewels and Arts , we pride ourselves on creating beautiful and bespoke designer Jewellery , Traditional as well as Contemporary Jewellery , from India which is captivating and a true expression of your style. The intention and goal is to create exclusive jewellery and innovative designs at excellent prices .
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प्रिय पाठकों !
आपकी ओर से निरंतर प्राप्त हो रही सकारात्मक प्रतिक्रियाओं के लिए 'स्वप्निल सौंदर्य ई ज़ीन' की पूरी टीम की तरफ से आप सभी को हृ्दय से आभार . अपने आशीर्वाद, प्रेम व प्रोत्साहन की वर्षा हम पर सदैव करते रहें . आपकी टिप्पणियों , सलाहों एवं मार्गदर्शन का हमें बेसब्री से इतंज़ार रहता है . पत्रिका के लिए आपके लेख, रचनायें आदि सादर आमंत्रित हैं. कृ्प्या अपने पत्र के साथ अपना पूरा नाम ,पता, फोन नंo व पासपोर्ट साइज़ फोटो अवश्य संलग्न करें.
ई- मेल :
स्वप्निल सौंदर्य ई- ज़ीन में रचनायें भेजने व प्रकाशित कराने हेतु नियम :
स्वप्निल सौंदर्य ई- ज़ीन ( ई- पत्रिका ) मैं रचना प्रेषित करते समय कृ्प्या निम्न बातों का ध्यान रखें -
- रचना साफ - सुथरी हो व Word Text Format अथवा Rich Text Format पे लिखी गई हो .
- भेजी गई रचना मौलिक , अप्रकाशित व अप्रसारित होनी चाहिये. किसी भी पत्र- पत्रिका से चुराई गई रचना कृ्प्या न भेजें. यदि रचना चुराई गई है, और यह साबित हो गया तो उक्त व्यक्ति पर कोर्ट में कारवाई की जाएगी.
- रचना के साथ आपका पूरा नाम, पता, पिनकोड व पासपोर्ट साइज़ फोटो अवश्य भेजें.
- रचना पर शीर्षक के ऊपर मौलिकता के संबंध में साफ - साफ लिखें अन्यथा रचना पर विचार नहीं किया जाएगा.
- रचना सिंपल फांट ( Font ) में लिखी गई हो .
- रचना भेजते समय अपने बारे में संक्षिप्त ब्योरा जरुर दें . यदि स्वप्निल सौंदर्य ई-ज़ीन के किसी स्थायी स्तंभ के लिए रचना भेज रहे हैं तो उस स्तंभ का शीर्षक लिखना न भूलें.
- प्रत्येक स्वीकृ्त रचना का कॉपीराइट ( सर्वाधिकार ) पत्रिका के कॉपीराइट धारक का है और कोई स्वीकृ्त / प्रकाशित रचना कॉपीराइट धारक से पूर्वलिखित अनुमति लिए बिना अन्यत्र अनुदित , प्रकाशित या प्रसारित नहीं होनी चाहिये.
- स्वप्निल सौंदर्य ई-ज़ीन टीम ( Swapnil Saundarya ezine Team )
Make your Life just like your Dream World !
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