Holi Ganga Mela celebrated with fervour in Kanpur|| Swapnil Saundarya & Painter Babu Rishabh

The week long Holi festivities were at their peak during the Holi Ganga mela celebration today. The traditional procession 'Rangon Ka Thela' was taken out from Hatia locality.Thousands of Kanpurites gathered at Hatia and Birhana Road area for playing colours with each other. Holi Ganga mela is celebrated in the memory of revolutionaries who were released by the British government after the Holi in the year 1941.Since then Holi Ganga mela is celebrated on Anuradha Nakshtra, three to seven days after Holi.....

Time well spent with four Alpha women of my life.....My sisters. My strength and my pride

“How Lovely Is The Silence Of Growing Things.”


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