

The diverse culture at  Swapnil Saundarya Label empowers its employees to dream, dream big and see those dreams come true.So join us to experience a taste of satisfaction.
Swapnil Saundarya Label  is seeking profiles in various disciplines like Design, Finance, Marketing , Quality Control , Research & Development and Supervision etc.

Mail your detailed CV clearly indicating the position and location applied for with photograph to

Recruiting Process @ Swapnil Saundarya Label :


Step 1 of 7 :

Preliminary Interview -

An officer of our personnel department will conduct the first interview . Its purpose is to find out if the applicant is apparently suitable for the kind of job for which vacancies exist.

Step 2 of 7 :

Specialised Application Form and 2nd Round of Interview -

Candidates who are found apparently meeting the minimum requirements of the job ( s ) are supplied with specialised blank application form . These specialised application forms are to be filled up by the candidates . The form of application varies according to the requirements of the job. Then the candidates have to appear in 2nd Round of Interview.

Step 3 of 7 :

Tests - 

A. Performance Tests
B. Psychological Tests 

Performance tests indicate the capability of the applicants to show actual performance on specific jons. Besides, we also devise certain tests to measure the psychological test in an objective measure of a sample human behaviour . These tests relate to intelligence, attitude, aptitude, interest, emotions , achievement and such qualities of a candidate . It is taken by giving to the applicant a task , which is like the job for which he/she is being considered. His/ Her performance on that task is compared with the performance of other applicants for the same job and selected on the basis of our Label's requirements.

Step 4 of 7 :

3rd Round of Interview -

The 3rd Round of Interview is taken by a group of experts for evaluating other factors and obtain additional information or getting clarification on information already on the specialised application form.

Step 5 of 7 :

Checking References -

Applicants are requested to give some references to evaluate the character and reputaion of the candidate . While checking a reference , we usually seen as to if the referee knows the kind of information required and if he is willing to divulge all the informations about the candidate.

Step 6 of 7 :

Medical Examination -

Physical fitness of the candidates is checked through a medical examination . All the candidates who successfully cross the barriers of various stages of the selection mentioned above are required to undergo medical examination.

Step 7 of 7 :

Final Selection -

After going through  the above process and to the satisfaction of all, a letter of appointment will be issued to the candidate . A reasonable time can be given to join our Label .

Training & Development :

Training at Swapnil Saundarya Label is a learning experience in that it seeks a relatively permanent change in an individual that will improve his/her ability to perform on the job..

After going through all the 7 Steps of Recruiting Process of Swapnil Saundarya Label , the candidate will have to undergo a 6 months ' Vestibule Training Programme ' .

Under this 6 Months Training Programme , employees learn their jobs on the equipments, they will be using but the training is conducted away from the actual work floor .

We also used Case Discussions to classify the customer's type and makes sales assistant to communicate with different types of customers from different cultures .

Under our 6 Months Vestibule Traiinig Programme  , employees will use the same equipments and make the quality product by using the trained and qualified supervisor's techniques.

During this period, normal stipend will be given to the employees .

After the successfully completion of this Training Programme , employees will be awarded a Certificate and they will have to sign a legal Contract of 5 years with our Label .

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